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  • Foto van schrijverNicholas Heiner

BLOG 2 (ENG): For the Finn, the European and World Championships are still on

Bijgewerkt op: 25 nov. 2020

I can best describe this recent period as a reset. Three days before the first corona measures, when our Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte didn't mind shaking hands, the Tokyo Olympic Games were supposed to start in July 2020. A few days later, they would possibly be held without any audience and again a few days later they were postponed. But until when?

I was relieved when on March 24th, after weeks of uncertainty, it finally became clear that it was going to happen one year later: summer 2021. At least it continues! I got the clarity I wanted and decided to invest the upcoming year in my position in the global top 4 in the Finn. The distance to the rest of the field has to be increased.

But that's sport, there are other important things.

The mother of my father's partner Helga is in a nursing home where no visitors were allowed. When things go wrong, the old lady is a sitting duck. Then such a home can become a hotbed of corona. We are of course very concerned about that. And so, everyone is concerned about someone.

The mother of a colleague of mine died from the implications of corona. Well, is that close? I think so, something like this is sad. Compared to this, my private troubles are not so bad. I have to live without 'De Dame' for five months, as I call her: Molly Meech. My girlfriend is at home in Auckland, New Zealand. We face-time daily, sometimes twice. Those are nice conversations, but our lives are monotonous at the moment. We train at home and cycle distances, that's essentially it.

Molly also sails in the world top and is in the same situation. It is quite difficult, the distance. Sailing there in a Finn is not possible and for the time being there is no air travel. It is a waiting game. She is 27, I'm 31... besides corona there are other big questions that we want to find an answer to together: how and where are we going to organize our shared life?

Fortunately, those big issues don't need to be resolved in a blog. For the rest now applies: we are both sailors, adapt easily. And what do we experience ourselves from all the corona problems? If I want to I could even have gone sailing the past few weeks. That is allowed. After all I am on my own in that boat, the Finn. That 1,5 meters is therefore not an issue, only the facilities of the Dutch watersports federation were not usable for a long time.

But I deliberately slowed down. If you hear that the Olympics are postponed for a year, that is also wise. We were going in the direction of peaks and suddenly that was no longer necessary. In a four-year campaign, you suddenly get another year. I have been training at home and staying fit by cycling. Not hanging a bit halfhearted in my boat. On May 14th I rigged my boat back up to the North Sea.

The European Championships in Poland and the World Championships in Spain are still on for the Finn this year. There is little chance that they will continue, but I am preparing for it. I am also very much looking forward to performing again. To enjoy top sport with everyone who feels involved with me.


Photo credits: Sander van der Borch / Watersportverbond

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